Though lagging far behind the 71 percent of Americans who identified as Christian in the Pew poll, they are still a significant voting block, far larger than Jews 4. This shift away from the dominance of any one religion is good for a secular society whose government is structured to discourage catch basins of power from building up and spilling over into people's private lives. But it is important to note that these nones are not necessarily atheists.
Even among atheists and agnostics, belief in things usually associated with religious faith can worm its way through fissures in the materialist dam. A survey conducted by the Austin Institute for the Study of Family and Culture on 15, Americans, for example, found that of the Even more incongruent, 6 percent of these atheists and agnostics also said that they believed in the bodily resurrection of the dead. You know, like Jesus. What's going on here? As I explicate in my book Heavens on Earth , I'm skeptical of all these ideas, but I understand the pull.
And that gravitational well will grow ever deeper as science progresses in these areas—and especially if the number of atheists increases. Gervais and Maxine B. To work around this problem of self-reported data, the psychologists employed what is called an unmatched count technique, which has been previously validated for estimating the size of other underreported cohorts, such as the LGBTQ community. Switch Display To: political party among atheists by views about size of government.
Switch Display To: political party among atheists by views about government aid to the poor. Switch Display To: political party among atheists by views about abortion. Switch Display To: political party among atheists by views about homosexuality. Switch Display To: political party among atheists by views about same-sex marriage. Switch Display To: political party among atheists by views about environmental protection.
Switch Display To: political party among atheists by views about human evolution. About Pew Research Center Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world.
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