It would then rise, and spiral upward for 3 months to the starting point. As it is now, the sun angle never exceeds In this scenario, the sun would be equivalent to noon at the equator for quite some time.
The earth's heat transport mechanisms would mitigate some of this, but the polar regions would be, I would think, uninhabitable.
Even the equatorial region would be ugly around the time the sun is overhead at the poles. The equatorial area would resemble the poles at the equinoxes as they actually are - sun going around at the horizon , and would be fairly cool. With the major heating differences across the globe, the jet streams would be extremely strong, and would likely stir up some hefty storms at the surface.
They would also be placed differently, possibly resulting in some truly weird weather. Of course, too, land distribution would make a lot of difference, as would seasonal melting and thawing of large quantities of water.
The whole concept is hard to envision and makes my head hurt. In the summer months of a given hemisphere, more of the planet would be perpetually on the day side, similar to how there are bands near the poles that receive 24 hours of sunlight or nightfall depending on the season.
Earth would experience more severe weather patterns because of more drastic changes in temperature, which causes forceful transfer of hot air to areas where cooler air exists. Hurricanes, tornadoes, thunderstorms and floods would be more severe and cause more damage.
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Asked 4 years, 11 months ago. Active 11 months ago. Viewed 5k times. Improve this question. TrEs-2b TrEs-2b Even the northern U. S would have several days to a week or two in such conditions.