Redirect how does it work

Redirect to the preferred version of your website, using the right protocol http or https , domain name www or non-www and path notation with or without trailing slash. Use a redirect for inactive campaigns. Use a redirect for content that's permanently removed. Table of contents. What are redirects? Why should you use redirects? When to use redirects What types of redirects are there?

Server-side redirects Client-side redirects What are the best practices for redirection? How do you set up redirects? Frequently asked questions about redirects. Are redirects hurting your SEO?

Some unexpected error happened. Please contact us. Something went wrong. Please, try again later. Domain required Please enter a valid domain name www. This domain is already being monitored by ContentKing.

Please contact us if you are the rightful owner of this domain. This website redirects to. Do you want to add this website instead? This domain has been excluded from monitoring. If you own it, please contact us. We can't find this domain. Are you sure it's correct?

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Worried about redirect issues? Are meta refresh redirects bad for SEO? LinkedIn opens in a new tab Cyrus Shepard , Zyppy opens in a new tab. Start your free trial. David Iwanow , Travel Network opens in a new tab. How do I redirect URLs with an. JavaScript redirects: are they bad for SEO?

JavaScript redirects: how to redirect to another URL? Meta refresh redirects: are they bad for SEO? Meta refresh redirects: how to redirect to another page? Redirect chains: why are they bad for SEO? Redirect loops: why do they harm your SEO? Share this article. Steven van Vessum LinkedIn opens in a new tab Twitter opens in a new tab.

View Steven van Vessum's profile. Jessica Rangel LinkedIn opens in a new tab. View Jessica Rangel's profile. Also worth checking out:. Get Google to Index Your Site. SEO Checklist for eCommerce. Start your free trial Get up and running in 20 seconds. No credit card required No installation needed No strings attached. So soon? Well, before you go Sign up for our newsletter. Join over 35, smart people Loaded with carefully curated content on SEO and digital marketing Insightful articles, data-driven research, podcasts and videos.

No thanks, I don't want to stay updated on digital marketing. Thank you for your subscription, welcome aboard! Continue to our website. You're already a subscriber to our newsletter. Thanks for being a loyal reader! Please confirm your sign-up to our newsletter using the confirmation email that we just sent you. Unsure what redirect to use? It is a server-side redirect. Typing a URL into your browser or clicking on a link sends a request for the page to the server of the website.

Implementing redirects is the focus of most SEO efforts during a site migration. This specific type tells the system that the page has moved permanently to a new page on your site. Redirects are by far the most common method of redirection where the request is handled at the server level. The original request does not load, and the server reads the instructions and delivers a different web page rather than loading the first request.

Redirects occur when it is encoded into a web page rather then set on a server level. The request for the site is sent, the resource begins to load, and then there are directions during loading that reroute them. When a URL does not exist and the server has no instructions on where to route the user request, a error message is delivered. Click Install Now, then Activate. Each plugin will have its own instructions for how to use it. For Redirection, find it in your Installed Plugins list, click on Settings, then go through the setup instructions.

Then click on Redirects in the menu at the top of the screen, and fill in the information for the URL you want to redirect, and the new URL you want it to point to. When you created your site, you may have decided to create your blog page on a subdomain of your site. Having duplicate content on your site is bad for SEO.

If you have a large site, you may well have pages with duplicate content. When you have more than one version of the same page it makes it hard for Google to figure out which page to rank. Avoid duplicate content issues by redirecting the duplicate piece of content to the original.

This will both reduce confusion for your visitors and improve your search engine rankings. Many brands buy up multiple domain names related to their main URL in order to protect your online brand. If your brand is Acme Corp. Instead of buying domains to keep others from registering them, then just letting them sit there, you can redirect them to your main website.

Or maybe you went through a massive rebrand and changing your domain name is now necessary. Whatever the reason, you need to implement a redirect of your old domain to your new domain. Sometimes you have to change the URL of existing pages and posts. This is especially true if your older posts are already indexed in the search engines, or have links pointing to them anywhere online.

Setting up a redirect may seem intimidating at first for the non-technical website owners out there. And using redirects well can help you update your website over time to be more useful, avoid errors, and improve SEO.

Kristen Hicks is an Austin-based freelance content writer and lifelong learner with an ongoing curiosity to learn new things.


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