Should i join phi sigma theta

Frequently Asked Questions 1. Who is Phi Sigma Theta? What is the time commitment? Does my invitation expire? The benefits supposedly include a certificate, recognition of being in a prestigious society, a lapel pin, honor cords, letters of reference, and post-graduate scholarships.

It sounds good, but is it worth paying to join and remain a member of? What's more, it shares many of the warning signs that come attached to potentially scammy groups. For one, it's missing a certification by the Association of Collegiate Honor Societies, which is a big red flag.

That's an important sign that you might be wasting your hard-earned cash. What's more, the organization is for-profit, as it makes initiation fees off of every member. And while it does feature a ". SS Earned Income Amount. Sold my 1st put - opinions - advice?

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Mark Forums Read. Log in. Thread Tools. Picasso Give me a forum Join Date: Feb Posts: 5, Join Date: Nov Posts: 7, You received an invitation letter because you have met the academic requirements for membership, and your university provided the local Phi Sigma Theta chapter with your name and address. Phi Sigma Theta tries to avoid this situation. However, this is not always possible because of the differences in university processing methods and timing. If you receive an invitation and are already a member, please forgive us.

There is no minimum participation requirement to maintain your membership in Phi Sigma Theta. However, Phi Sigma Theta strongly encourages its members to participate in the organization as much as possible, and become an active member in Phi Sigma Theta and any local activities with which Phi Sigma Theta is involved. Nationally, Phi Sigma Theta is involved in mentoring and community service programs and encourages its members to become involved locally.


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