A urine pH level test analyzes the acidity or alkalinity of a urine sample. Discover why it's important, what a normal urine pH level is, how to…. A urine drug test, also known as a urine drug screen, is quick and painless. It tests urine for the presence of illegal drugs and prescription…. When a urinalysis comes back positive for nitrites, it usually means you have a bacterial infection. Learn about nitrites in urine here. Discover the….
Learn why a creatinine urine test is done, how to prepare for it, what to expect during the test, and how to interpret the results. Learn why a uric acid urine test is performed, what to expect during the test, and what the test results may mean. A urine specific gravity test compares the density of urine to the density of water. This quick test can help determine how efficiently your kidneys…. The hour urine protein test checks the function of the kidneys and detects disease.
Urine samples are collected over a hour period and sent to a…. A urine glucose test measures the level of glucose sugar in your urine. Having too much can be a sign of a health problem. If you don't receive…. Health Conditions Discover Plan Connect. Medically reviewed by Deborah Weatherspoon, Ph. Why urinalysis is done. Preparing for urinalysis. About the urinalysis process. Methods of urinalysis.
Getting the results. Following up after a urinalysis. It's used to detect and manage a wide range of disorders, such as urinary tract infections, kidney disease and diabetes. A urinalysis involves checking the appearance, concentration and content of urine. For example, a urinary tract infection can make urine look cloudy instead of clear. Increased levels of protein in urine can be a sign of kidney disease.
Other tests, such as pregnancy testing and drug screenings, might rely on a urine sample, but these tests look for substances that aren't included in a typical urinalysis. If you're having only a urinalysis, you can eat and drink before the test. If you're having other tests, you might need to fast before the test. Your health care provider will give you specific instructions. Many drugs, including nonprescription medications and supplements, can affect the results of a urinalysis.
Before a urinalysis, tell your doctor about medications, vitamins or other supplements you take. You might collect a urine sample at home or at your health care provider's office. Providers typically give out containers for urine samples. You might be asked to collect the sample at home first thing in the morning, when your urine is more concentrated.
You might be instructed to collect the sample midstream, using a clean-catch method. This method involves the following steps:. In some cases, if needed, your provider can insert a thin, flexible tube catheter through the urinary tract opening and into the bladder to collect the urine sample.
The urine sample is sent to a lab for analysis. You can return to your usual activities immediately. How this information was developed to help you make better health decisions. To learn more about Healthwise, visit Healthwise.
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How do you prepare for the test? How is the test done? How long does the test take? What happens after the test? Where can you learn more? Top of the page. What is it? Wash your hands before collecting the urine.