Now that you know how many extinguishers you need and what types to get, you can head to the hardware store. Look for fire extinguishers that you can easily lift. Larger extinguishers may pack more power, but you must be able to use it properly. Typically, fire extinguishers are fairly easy to use in the case of a fire. Most of the types operate using the P. Ensure you and your home are protected in case of a fire or some other household accident with homeowners insurance.
Clipboard-flat Claims Envelopes-flat Pay a bill. All insurance products ». For your ride. Life Pet Dental Umbrella Identity theft. Accident medical Specialty liability Travel Wedding. All financial goals ». Investing insights. Do not use CO 2 extinguishers in confined spaces as CO 2 can displace the oxygen in the air, making breathing difficult. Only use in a confined space if workers have appropriate respiratory protection. Do not use CO 2 extinguishers for Class A fires because the fire may continue to smolder and re-ignite after the CO 2 disperses.
Below is a summary of these and other common extinguishers. Always: Be sure that you are trained to use a fire extinguisher before you try to fight a fire. Know what type and class of material is burning. Use the correct fire extinguisher type to fight the fire. Pull the pin on the extinguisher. Aim the extinguisher. Squeeze the trigger or top handle. Sweep t he fire area with the extinguisher's spray until the fire is completely out.
For floor fires, sweep from the edges in. For wall fires, sweep from the bottom up. Never walk away from a fire, even if you think it is out. The residue may reignite. Always stand between the escape route and the fire so you can leave safely if the fire grows. If the fire grows too large, leave the area.
Activate the fire alarm to evacuate the area. Install extinguishers according to the height requirements stated in your jurisdiction's Fire Code. Locate extinguishers so they are readily accessible to employees for immediate use.
Make sure that extinguishers are clearly visible, and any location signs are clear. Mark or label all fire extinguishers clearly with the class of fire it is to be used for. Make sure that the operating instructions always face outward. Maintain extinguishers in a fully charged and operable condition. Keep extinguishers in the designated places at all times except during use.
Visually inspect portable fire extinguishers monthly. Use a tag on each extinguisher that shows the dates of inspection, recharging or servicing, the name of the servicing agency, and the name of the person who did the service.
Service portable fire extinguishers at least once a year, or when the monthly inspection indicates servicing is necessary. Keep written records showing maintenance items such as serial number and type of extinguishers, location, inspection date, description of tests, date of next inspection, date of annual servicing, comments and inspector's signature. Only allow service by trained persons with suitable testing equipment and facilities.
Are the fire extinguishers well supported and hangers are fastened solidly? Removing the fuel is easy when the fire is controlled. For example, when you shut off the gas valve on a propane grill, the fuel stops flowing and the fire goes out. I teach chemistry and know from lab experiments that removing the heat or spark is harder to do.
Once the fire starts, it provides heat and keeps burning. That is why throwing water on a fire puts it out.
When water hits fire it boils, turns to steam and floats away, taking some heat with it. It also prevents oxygen from reaching the fuel. Most fire extinguishers work by separating the fuel from the oxygen.
The oxygen comes from the air. It is the same oxygen we breathe. Since the oxygen has to be in contact with the fuel, if you can coat the fuel with something that keeps the oxygen away, the fire will go out.
One common choice: carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is an odorless, colorless gas that is present in the air. People and animals breathe in oxygen from the air and exhale carbon dioxide.