Grills and smokers both require similar maintenance and clean up. Most grillers and smokers recommend cleaning your equipment a few times per year, but some people choose to clean their cooker after every use.
Cleaning frequency will partly depend on how often you use your equipment and your personal preference.
Electric smokers and grills operate similarly. You can periodically check on the readiness of your food with either a grill or a smoker, so they tie there, too. The best part of both smokers and grills? Neither requires expert cooking knowledge to operate.
Electric grills and smokers both use about the same amount of electricity to cook food. Electric grills cook more quickly than smokers; however, grills use more energy to produce a lot of heat over a shorter period of time.
This helps heat the food indirectly, and more slowly — which is the goal. Since traditional barbecue also needs a little smoke, you'll need to include wood chips or chunks , and replenish them during cooking as well. Smoking is like the extreme version of barbecuing: you're actually cooking the food with smoke from smoldering chunks or chips of hickory, mesquite, apple or cherry, each of which contributes their own flavor to the meat. Smoking occurs at an even lower temperature than barbecue, to ensure the smoky flavor infuses the meat as well as cooking it all the way through.
You'll want your grill to be between and F to smoke food; any hotter and the outer parts of the meat will cook too soon, forming a barrier the smoke can't cross.
Cooking at this temperature means that cooking times of 24 hours are not unusual. Of the three methods, smoking is the one that requires the most expertise. But if you start with simple grilling and work your way to a more complex large-scale barbecue, you may eventually want to try your hand at smoking. Actively scan device characteristics for identification.
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Develop and improve products. List of Partners vendors. The distinct cooking methods of smokers and grills affect more than just the outcome of your food. Direct heating means that grills can reach high temperatures for fast cooking. Meanwhile, smokers are limited in their heat capabilities due to indirect heating, and as such, are better for cooking food low and slow. Both smokers and grills offer flavor benefits, but not in the same way. Smoking your food with charcoal or wood chips imparts that inherent BBQ flavor that we so often associate with the craft.
Are you aiming for low and slow cooking or looking for something that will cook the classics at your next backyard BBQ? The different heating methods of grills and smokers mean different techniques and different results, so think about what you want to achieve and then work backwards from there.
Grills are well-suited to BBQ staples like hot dogs and hamburgers, while smokers are a premiere choice for things like brisket, ribs, and whole pig cooking. If you love smoke as much as we do though, a smoker is the way to go.