What kind of avi

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List of Partners vendors. Tim Fisher. VP and General Manager, Lifewire. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn. Updated on June 05, VLC also supports pretty much every file format out there and is a highly capable player.

Even Windows users might prefer it to a less-capable app like Windows Media Player. Browse All iPhone Articles Browse All Mac Articles Do I need one? Browse All Android Articles Browse All Smart Home Articles Customize the Taskbar in Windows Browse All Microsoft Office Articles What Is svchost.

Browse All Privacy and Security Articles Browse All Linux Articles Browse All Buying Guides. Best Portable Monitors. Best Gaming Keyboards. Best Drones. Best 4K TVs. Best iPhone 13 Cases. Best Tech Gifts for Kids Aged Best 8K TVs. Best VR Headsets.

Best iPad Mini Cases. Best Gifts for Cutting the Cord. Best Bluetooth Speakers. For this kind of file to play on a computer media player, the player needs to be equipped with compatible codecs that allow the player to decode and play back the encoded media in the file. A codec is a computer program or plug-in that decodes a file. Though a file is built in the AVI standard, it can be created using different, incompatible types of encoding, each of which needs a specific software codec in order to decode the data and play the file.


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