What does ctfu me

Forgot your password? Retrieve it. Abbreviation » Term. Term » Abbreviation. Word in Term. Term » Abbr. Filter by: Select category from list Couldn't find the full form or full meaning of CTFU? Notify me of new comments via email. Candace Wilson. You could type " LOL " or "Hahaha," but neither one of those really conveys the intensity of your laughter when something is so hilarious that you find yourself laughing hard and uncontrollably.

CTFU is the perfect acronym for adding that extra hint of intensity to your expression of laughter. Use it when you want to use something other than LOL. Believe it or not, the longstanding "laugh out loud" acronym is slowly fading out and being replaced with newer acronyms or emojis that better express a person's laughter. Let's face it: it's not always appropriate to include acronyms in an online post or text message. Here are a few scenarios when CTFU just shouldn't be used.

Don't use it when you don't want to offend someone by swearing. You might be fine to include swear words while casually texting one of your closest friends, but if you're emailing your grandmother or messaging a professional on LinkedIn, you're definitely not going to want to drop any F-bombs or other swear words in there. Don't use it when spelling and grammar are important. For example, you probably shouldn't use CTFU in a post on a Facebook page for a company or brand that you manage.

You could, however, use it if you're a teen whose Facebook network is primarily comprised of other teens. The fun of using online acronyms can be ruined when the people who read your posts or messages have no idea what you mean and have to ask you what CTFU stands for.

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It does not make sense. Consumer Electronics. Chemistry Engineering Mathematics Physics. What does ctfu mean? Every one on facebook is writing ctfu nd i wanted to know what it means.


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