Apparently so. While our society may have evolved to provide us with endless opportunities to eat, our bodies are primarily concerned with keeping the well-oiled machine going. This means that we start to feel hungry once our stomach is empty. After a meal, our gastrointestinal tracts slowly empty by pushing food through the stomach and the small and large intestine. Specialized contractions called the migrating motor complex MMC sweep up undigested food, which is a process that takes around minutes.
The final phase of the MMC is regulated by a hormone called motilin. Motilin-controlled contractions cause the rumbling in our stomachs and coincide with hunger pangs in humans. Another hormone implicated in hunger control is ghrelin. In mice, ghrelin activates neurons called agouti-related peptide AgRP -expression neurons in the hypothalamus region of the brain, which tell us that we are hungry. These neurons are the control center for hunger.
When AgRP neurons are artificially switched on in mice, they gorge themselves on food. Here, we need to differentiate between homeostatic hunger, which is related purely to balancing our energy reserves short-term, and hedonic hunger, which makes use of opportunities to gather extra energy. Hedonic hunger is less well understood than homeostatic hunger. If we are full, we might take a rain check.
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See hunger , -y 1. Hungry, famished, starved describe a condition resulting from a lack of food. Hungry is a general word, expressing various degrees of eagerness or craving for food: hungry between meals; desperately hungry after a long fast; hungry as a bear. Famished denotes the condition of one reduced to actual suffering from want of food, but sometimes is used lightly or in an exaggerated statement: famished after being lost in a wilderness; simply famished hungry.
Starved denotes a condition resulting from long-continued lack or insufficiency of food, and implies enfeeblement, emaciation, or death originally death from any cause, but now death from lack of food : He looks thin and starved. By the end of the terrible winter, thousands had starved to death. It is also used as a humorous exaggeration: I only had two sandwiches, pie, and some milk, so I'm simply starved hungry.
Veena Indian. Priya Indian. Neerja Indian. Zira US English. Oliver British. Wendy British. Fred US English. Tessa South African. Joey Chestnut : I did bad, he deserved to win, i've been looking for a competition for a long time and now I have it, and now he's made me hungry.
Antal Karolyi : I think in the short-term we must help those who sleep rough, who are hungry and thirsty, and especially those coming from a war zone who have had to endure tough situations which to us are inconceivable. Jill Castle : If a child doesn't eat his dinner and is hungry later, you can say,' we don't have snack at this time. Keith Goode : Investors in small miners are hungry to allocate cash even in companies like Rox that have a long way to go, teena is not a mine yet and will require huge amounts of capital and development work without any guarantees.
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