What does lucy mean drug

More contemporary psychological research on the topic has benefited from a computer program developed by Dr. James Pennebaker at the University of Texas at Austin. This program, Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count LIWC , quickly scans through a text of any length and searches out words that have been shown to be reliable indicators of around 70 preset categories. These categories include pronouns, verb tense, cognitive activity, and emotional words, but also prepositions e.

Some words are classified by the LIWC computer program as simultaneously belonging to multiple categories. Rather than expressing the bevy of emotions that typically occur while one is tripping, and that Lennon often expressed in his other songs, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds is almost barren of feeling.

What is needed, therefore, is a group of songs whose linguistic styles can be compared to that of Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. I therefore collected two such groups of comparison songs: the lyrics to other songs that Lennon had recorded in the previous year or so, and the lyrics to the no.

If the linguistic style of Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds is different from the no. The results of the LIWC analysis show many ways in which the linguistic style of Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds is not especially different from the styles of the songs in the comparison groups.

For example, the song is fairly typical in terms of its use of second and third person pronouns, and in its use of words concerning family, friends, achievement, money, religion, and the like. In these ways, the song appears to be typical of the songs Lennon and other musicians were writing during that era. At the same time, there are numerous LIWC indicators on which Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds consistently differs both from songs Lennon had recently written and from other popular songs of the time.

My understanding of the findings led me to classify these differences into three groups of indicators, as shown in Table 1. The first group of indicators includes linguistic features that parallel what many people report experiencing when they take the drug LSD. For example, the cardinal feature of the drug experience is the presence of vivid visual hallucinations, in which colors and patterns seem to move through space and stable objects change their form unexpectedly.

These types of experiences seem to be well-represented in Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds , as it scores consistently higher than many other popular songs of the era and songs Lennon had recently written in the percentage of words that concern seeing e. The song is also rather lower than these other songs in words that convey certainty e. Certainty is often in doubt while people are under the influence of LSD, given how the drug changes their perceptual experiences.

It is also tantalizing to note that, just as people typically take LSD by swallowing a small piece of paper infused with the chemical, words concerning ingestion e.

Research using the LIWC program has identified five specific linguistic features that cluster together to represent how immediate vs. Immediate language uses such words, as they often relate some other state to the present e. Immediate language also uses few articles e. The lyrics of Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds are actually more similar to how people write and speak when they are lying and when they are attempting to psychologically distance themselves from painful psychological material.

What is remarkable about the LIWC results for Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds is that for each of these five indicators, the song consistently scores in the direction of being distanced rather than immediate.

That is, compared both to other recent Lennon songs and to other recent popular songs, the lyrics of Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds have a relatively low percentage of first person singular pronouns, present tense verbs, and discrepant words, and a relatively high percentage of long words and of articles. Our South Florida treatment center offers addiction treatment in Stuart for addiction, alcoholism, and dual diagnosis disorders.

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Learn more about slang terms for common drugs below. Amphetamines : These drugs are stimulants that may be used to treat ADD or obesity. In clinical settings, barbiturates treat anxiety or sleep disorders.

There are always new street names for coke being used, so keep an ear out for more names of this drug. Crack Cocaine : A smokable form of cocaine, also has its own slang terms. Cough Medicine : Believe it or not, teens and young adults abuse cough medicine. Certain ingredients in cough medicine can cause psychoactive effects when taken in abundance. Sean: Went to see lucy in the sky with diamonds! Will: The Beatles were performing?

One of The Beatles famous songs. Many people think its song about LSD but, it's not. The song was inspired by John Lennon's son, Julian. He brought home a drawing of a girl in his class, named Lucy, and she was floating in the air and he drew stars around her. Julian named the drawing: Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. It has nothing to do with LSD, it's all a kids song.


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