During a minimally invasive lysis of adhesions procedure, a needle is injected into the abdomen to allow for gas to fill the abdomen and make it expand, making it easier for the surgeon to see the scar tissue and surrounding organs. A tiny camera called a laparoscope is inserted through a small incision in the abdomen and images are projected onto a screen. More small incisions are made in the wall of the abdomen for insertion of instruments that are attached to robotic arms, which are controlled by the surgeon.
The surgeon then removes and destroys any adhesions in the area. You are here: Home. Related Reading. Search Our Health Library. Understanding Lysis of Adhesions Lysis of adhesions is a surgery to cut bands of tissue that form between organs. Why lysis of adhesions is done Adhesions can cause severe, ongoing pain. How lysis of adhesions is done Lysis of adhesions may be done using a method called laparoscopy. The provider cuts and removes the adhesions. This lets the organs move more freely.
When the surgery is done, the scope and other tools are removed. The cuts are closed. Risks of lysis of adhesions Infection Bleeding Incisional hernia Damage to abdominal organs Damage to the intestine Need to switch to open surgery Return of the adhesions Risks of anesthesia Death.
This information is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care. This information is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care. Always follow your healthcare professional's instructions. Patient Education. Understanding Lysis of Adhesions Lysis of adhesions is a surgery to cut bands of tissue that form between organs. Why lysis of adhesions is done Adhesions can cause severe, ongoing pain. How lysis of adhesions is done Lysis of adhesions may be done using a method called laparoscopy.
The provider cuts and removes the adhesions. This lets the organs move more freely. When the surgery is done, the scope and other tools are removed.
The cuts are closed. Risks of lysis of adhesions Infection Bleeding Incisional hernia Damage to abdominal organs Damage to the intestine Need to switch to open surgery Return of the adhesions Risks of anesthesia Death. Yes No. Tell us more. Previous surgeries cause about 90 percent of abdominal adhesions.
They can also develop from trauma, infections, or conditions that cause inflammation. Adhesions can also form on the organs and cause organs to stick together.
Rather, doctors often discover them during diagnostic surgery when investigating symptoms or treating another condition. If the doctor finds adhesions, adhesiolysis may be done. If your adhesions are causing problems, laparoscopic adhesiolysis can remove them.
With laparoscopic surgery, your surgeon will make a small incision in your abdomen and use a laparoscope to locate the adhesion. A laparoscope is a long thin tube that contains a camera and light. Adhesions can cause problems with digestion and even block the intestines. The adhesions can pinch off part of the intestines and cause a bowel obstruction. The obstruction may cause:.
Adhesions can cause female reproductive problems by obstructing the ovaries or fallopian tubes. They can also cause painful intercourse for some people. If your doctor suspects adhesions are causing your reproductive issues, they may recommend surgery to remove them. If you have abdominal adhesions, you may also experience the following symptoms along with your pain:.
Open adhesiolysis is an alternative to laparoscopic adhesiolysis. During open adhesiolysis, a single incision is made through the midline of your body so your doctor can remove the adhesions from your abdomen. Abdominal adhesions can form from any type of trauma to your abdomen. Adhesions caused by surgery are more likely to cause symptoms than other types of adhesions.