We won't share this comment without your permission. If you chose to provide an email address, it will only be used to contact you about your comment. See our privacy policy. A lot or a little? The parents' guide to what's in this movie. Positive Messages.
Positive Role Models. What parents need to know Parents need to know that the parent advisories here refer to the more readily available unrated version and not the PG movie seen in theaters. Continue reading Show less. Stay up to date on new reviews. Get full reviews, ratings, and advice delivered weekly to your inbox. User Reviews Parents say Kids say. Adult Written by paranrmancoralline January 25, So I'm 15 and just watched this, but I definitely don't recommend it if you're under my age.
It's got some quite mature themes. Continue reading. Report this review. Adult Written by Cherry Martini November 28, I watched it with my three kids and they loved it. If you're looking for a good family movie this is definitely a good choice. Kid, 12 years old August 27, Hilarious and Creative I absolutely love this movie, I've got all the quotes stuck in my head.
I love the idea of 2 clumsy cops almost getting fired of t Teen, 17 years old Written by hhhhhhhhhhhh August 3, What's the story? Is it any good? Talk to your kids about Our editors recommend.
Some Like It Hot. One of the wildest romantic farces ever. Big Momma's House. Martin Lawrence comedy with sex, violence, and nudity. You'll laugh, you'll cry. Best divorce movie. About these links Common Sense Media, a nonprofit organization, earns a small affiliate fee from Amazon or iTunes when you use our links to make a purchase. Read more. Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Print. Personalize your media recommendations. You like that?
Tori: "Guys like that? And another thing they love is this. Never put it in the mouth. That's '80s. You might as well go and buy a TransAm. I think I can do it. Her friends applaud. When I see them I just want to cry. I mean, why can't I be that skinny? Just think. They can't wear belly rings with those bloated tummies of theirs. I feel so much better. Tori: "I'm so glad I got waxed today.
What did you get? When Kevin leaves the room, he in the PG version says "And if you need to use protection tell Latrell there's an extra shower curtain in the bathroom. He breathes in deeply. In the unrated version, he smells at the underwear and then starts to lick it.
Then he takes a deep breath. You see the dancing crowd, then a guy addresses himself to the group of women and wants to buy them a drink. Marcus rebuffs him. Karen: "I so don't get it. Guys think if they buy you a drink, it's a free ticket into your pants.
Well it's not. The women order their drinks and then the waiter looks at Marcus. December 31, The movie is fine for a 13 years old. The movie is not that funny and not that good. Adult Written by Adreanna C. August 16, Funny movie, not for younger kids I think some parents can be a little generous with their rules about movies.
White chicks is a very funny movie and I think it is okay. I saw this movie at a very young age and still thought it was hilarious. It does swear a decent amount but isn't anything that you can't deal with. It does invoke some sexual references, but it's not severe. I think white chicks is completely okay for you to watch with your child. This title contains: Language. Adult Written by zeekattacklee December 2, White Chicks Review.. Although At times in did have suggestive and inappropriate references, This film can be pretty funny at moments..
Otherwise, A great film for mature teenagers.. Adult Written by clarence August 4, Adult Written by BestPicture September 16, One of the ugliest comedies I've endured "White Chicks" is one of those movies that's quoted all the time, at least in Virginia schools anyways. I finally sat down with my college dorm mates and watched it Fun fact: my favorite guilty pleasure movie s are the "Scary Movie" series, and "Senseless" is OK, so don't get me wrong, the Wayans can definitely be funny. Women, gays, Asians, Latinos, blacks, whites my god especially white people If fart jokes are hilarious, lazy scriptwriting is up your alley and stereotypes amuse the pants off of you, this is the "Citizen Kane" of Wayans comedy.
If you have some sense in your brain, discourage your kids from watching this trash heap. Parent of a year-old Written by skye99 January 11, Inappropriate for young teens This is mostly silly, so the racial stuff isn't too offensive, but the extended scene with the rubber penis was WAY over the top. Certainly not appropriate for a young teen. Parent of a 11, 16, and year-old Written by BrittanySnow August 24, Must Watch Comedy A really funny movie again by the wayans brother.
However, this one feels much more acceptable for my children to watch. My son is 11 and doesn't understand some of the jokes. Which i'm happy with My daughter is 16 and she finds it hilarious. My oldest son is 18 and he doesn't find it 'mature' enough, he says there aren't any sex scenes and the language isn't bad at all. Adult Written by All smiles January 6, Sex toys are not PG 13 For adults, it's silly humor and I found it funny.
The language is crude. Talking about going down on someone or who's doing who is not appropriate. I don't think young teenagers need to learn the uses of a sexual toy by watching a group of women pass one around chanting "show us".
Luckily I was watching it with my 13 year old and quickly shut it off. She knows about sex since we've discussed this plenty of times, but this scene was a bit over the top!
Adult Written by blackrose January 5,