This is a challenge to the art of its time. This new situation is a challenge to the existing institutions. In our case that challenge led directly to the ZEO. Another challenge is the lack of access to basic services. Another challenge for the legitimacy of this type of art. Not a threat, but a challenge for the European Union. Establishing rules and discipline are a challenge for any parent.
Have you tried it yet? Here's what's included:. Morrison completes her trilogy by confronting contemporary race and gender representations and challenging declarations of truth and law. By saying she doesn't remember she is tacitly accepting the truth by not challenging it.
Both lawsuits challenge the constitutionality of holding immigration hearings in secrecy. Anyway, it appears California's speed camera rules have been successfully challenged in court. A similar care order secured on the child of another couple has been successfully challenged in the courts. Fast-paced, relevant and worldly, it directly challenges Western notions about the universalizing effects of literature.
One part is to challenge directly the notion that there is an obligation to carry out a war against disease. Davis supporters had filed a lawsuit challenging the validity of some of the recall signatures.
Now no member state would openly challenge the legitimacy of the institution's role. Many others before you have made the decision to openly challenge the legitimacy of my marriage. He challenged existing theoretical propositions which he believed were only rationalization of current practices.
They challenge existing theories and accepted musical norms, always striving to keep a step ahead. At least one murder conviction is to be challenged on the basis of "flawed" fingerprint evidence. For example, moving services from secondary to primary care challenges many deeply held assumptions about the role of specialists. Not until Malthus and Ricardo were Smith's optimistic assumptions seriously challenged.
The debate is strikingly one-sided; few civilian or military leaders have publicly challenged the fundamental assumptions of the critics. In Maitland challenged the settlement, claiming that only a small salary disparity existed between men and women professors.
With his teaching, Jesus challenges this position. But his interpretation of the latest figures as solely attributable to his policies was challenged by the opposition and by the Irish Refugee Council.
Harkishin was challenged by security guards when he approached the checkout on Sunday. Sometimes a guard will challenge me and demand to see my pass. He moved through the civilian sector without attracting attention and when he passed the gate area without being challenged by the guard he knew he was doing alright.
It's believe the attacker blew himself up after he was challenged by a security guard as he was trying to enter into the parking lot. They formed a circle around Zero and the guard who had challenged her. I left the unit twice and walked back in without being challenged either time, entering in ways that didn't require much ingenuity. Despite that, he was able to walk straight into the castle's Waterloo Chamber and was only challenged five minutes after entering the party as he ordered champagne at the bar.
Since one is not allowed to select jurors, but only to challenge deselect them, traditional approaches to jury selection have focused on identification and challenge of undesirable jurors.
A diversity of masculine subjectivities is mobilized around and through Spike as he comes to terms with challenges to his power. The obsession of kite flying can also be seen in competitive kite challenges. The Edinburgh side were quick to rise to the challenge and with their superior forward play they denied the Border men any more points in the first half.
Let us assume for a second that I have decided to take the challenge. But after three years of frantic knitting, they decided to end the challenge, despite reaching halfway.
Ian Fitzgerald returned to competitive action in a challenge against Roscommon last Sunday. Yet they gamely rose to the challenge, fighting the Tabs to the bitter end. She has to judge the strength of the challenge from the other crews and dictate the response of her own crew. This time, they had decided, they would accept the challenge. Rosa Parks challenged us to fight for our soul, and we accepted the challenge.
On this occasion, he mistakenly believed that they would not meet his challenge by fighting. And, those in the treasury benches, far from going on the defensive, took up the challenge. The dream of gold or silver became a reality when they took up the challenge of a Mayo team with a strong tradition in the sport. A promising start for Ilkley in a season that will contain some very stern challenges and some easier contests. The Australian champion throws off the challenge of Pirrie, the Canadian youth, and just wins a great race.
Needless to say the Sri Lanka Air Force Cycling Club rode to easy victory in more than 20 races with rarely a challenge. This paper addresses the technical challenges of implementing a producibility analysis tool. The challenge has come from what was supposed to be the heart of the mechanistic world view - from physics. Countries are facing this challenge in many different ways, but one common factor is the increasing reliance on electronics and systems. Section 2 begins with an overview of the theoretical challenge , and then presents a category-theoretic framework for deriving transition systems.
As with literature, a considerable theoretical challenge exists in relating the subjective to the intersubjective. Creating culturally relevant ways of thinking about diversity and aging : theoretical challenges for the twenty-first century. These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Translations of challenge in Chinese Traditional. See more. Need a translator? Translator tool. What is the pronunciation of challenge? Browse chalkiness. Test your vocabulary with our fun image quizzes. Image credits. Word of the Day sweetheart. Blog Outsets and onsets! Read More. November 08, To top. English American Business Examples Translations. Sign up for free and get access to exclusive content:.
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