Typically, transvaginal ultrasound aspiration is used to retrieve eggs. During this procedure, an ultrasound probe is inserted into your vagina to identify follicles, and a needle is guided through the vagina and into the follicles. The eggs are removed from the follicles through the needle, which is connected to a suction device.
In intracytoplasmic sperm injection ICSI , a single healthy sperm is injected directly into each mature egg. ICSI is often used when semen quality or number is a problem or if fertilization attempts during prior in vitro fertilization cycles failed. Three days after fertilization, a normally developing embryo will contain about six to 10 cells. By the fifth or sixth day, the fertilized egg is known as a blastocyst — a rapidly dividing ball of cells.
The inner group of cells will become the embryo. The outer group will become the cells that nourish and protect it. Embryo transfer is done at your doctor's office or a clinic and usually takes place two to five days after egg retrieval. If successful, an embryo will implant in the lining of your uterus about six to 10 days after egg retrieval. After the embryo transfer, you can resume your usual daily activities. However, your ovaries may still be enlarged.
Consider avoiding vigorous activity, which could cause discomfort. If you develop moderate or severe pain after the embryo transfer, contact your doctor. He or she will evaluate you for complications such as infection, twisting of an ovary ovarian torsion and severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. About 12 days to two weeks after egg retrieval, your doctor will test a sample of your blood to detect whether you're pregnant. The chances of giving birth to a healthy baby after using IVF depend on various factors, including:.
Talk with your doctor about any factors that apply to you and how they may affect your chances of a successful pregnancy. Explore Mayo Clinic studies of tests and procedures to help prevent, detect, treat or manage conditions. Mayo Clinic does not endorse companies or products. Advertising revenue supports our not-for-profit mission. This content does not have an English version.
This content does not have an Arabic version. Overview In vitro fertilization Open pop-up dialog box Close. In vitro fertilization During in vitro fertilization, eggs are removed from mature follicles within an ovary A. Request an Appointment at Mayo Clinic. Egg-retrieval technique Open pop-up dialog box Close.
Egg-retrieval technique Typically, transvaginal ultrasound aspiration is used to retrieve eggs. Blastocyst Open pop-up dialog box Close. Blastocyst Three days after fertilization, a normally developing embryo will contain about six to 10 cells.
Share on: Facebook Twitter. Show references Treating infertility. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Accessed April 30, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Assisted reproductive technologies: A guide for patients. American Society for Reproductive Medicine.
Anchan RM, et al. Gestational carrier pregnancy. Infertility fact sheet. Office on Women's Health. Paulson R. In vitro fertilization. IVF: Frequently asked questions. Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology. When this technology was first introduced, IVF was only recommended to women with blocked fallopian tubes. Currently, IVF success rates have improved dramatically, and IVF is used for heterosexual and same sex couples experiencing infertility and even single women pursuing parenthood.
The IVF process can be explained in these 4 steps; however to really understand how IVF can work for you, please consult with a reproductive endocrinologist or fertility doctor. Your doctor will monitor your ovaries leading up to and during the IVF process to ensure that you will release eggs to be fertilized at a particular time. Most of the time medication or hormones are used to stimulate the ovaries to produce one or more eggs.
Under light pain medication, your doctor inserts a very thin needle through the upper vaginal wall and remove fluid, which contains eggs, from the follicles of the ovaries. Immediately after retrieval of the follicle s , the egg is placed in a dish and transferred to an incubator.
A sperm sample is secured, either from your partner or a donor, and analyzed and added to the egg s retrieved. Sometimes your doctor may choose to inject the sperm directly into the egg to optimize success. The doctor and embryologist then monitors the fertilization process to make sure a healthy embryo is developed. Timing intercourse to coincide with ovulation offers the chance of pregnancy.
IUI can help couples with so called unexplained infertility or couples where the male partner has minor sperm abnormalities. You can use the Unexplained infertility - exploring your options guide to better understand if IUI is a suitable option for you.
IUI can be performed during a natural menstrual cycle, or in combination with ovulation induction OI if the woman has irregular menstrual cycles.
When the eggs are mature, they are retrieved in an ultrasound-guided procedure under light anaesthetic. The eggs and sperm from the male partner or a donor are placed in a culture dish in the laboratory to allow the eggs to hopefully fertilise, so embryos can develop.
Three to five days later, if embryos have formed, one is placed into the woman's uterus in a procedure called embryo transfer. If there is more than one embryo, they can be frozen and used later.
IVF is a safe procedure and medical complications are rare. But as with all medical procedures, there are some possible health effects for women and men undergoing treatment and for children born as a result of treatment. Read more about the possible health effects of IVF here.
Most importantly, you need to consider your own personal circumstances and medical history when you estimate your chance of having a baby with IVF.
You can read more about interpreting success rates here. Research using the Australian and New Zealand Assisted Reproduction Database calculated the chance of a woman having a baby from her first cycle of IVF according to her age.
The results below apply to women who used their own eggs, and it includes the use of frozen embryos produced by one cycle of IVF: Under 44 per cent chance of a live birth 31 per cent chance of a live birth 11 per cent chance of a live birth 44 and above: one per cent chance of a live birth. These costs vary, depending on the treatment, the fertility clinic and whether a patient has reached the Medicare Safety Net threshold.
You can read more about costs here. Because it requires technically advanced equipment, there are additional costs for ICSI. For couples with male factor infertility, ICSI is needed to fertilise the eggs and give them a chance of having a baby. There are a number of fertility treatments that are available to both and your partner if you are struggling to fall pregnant.
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